

GST Portal provides Free Accounting & Billing Software for MSMEs - Taxsure Blog

GST Portal has provided Free Accounting & Billing Software for MSMEs having annual turnover of less than Rs. 1.5 crore along with user manual and FAQs. This software will remain free till 31 March 2021 or till the taxpayer’s ( including normal/ composition taxpayers, SEZ Developers/ Units, etc.) annual turnover remains under Rs 1.5 Cr in a financial year.

Free Accounting & Billing Software for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

As per directions of GST Council, GSTN has partnered with some Billing and Accounting software vendors for providing free software to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, with annual turnover under Rs 1.5 Cr, in a financial year. This facility is made available to the active Normal taxpayers, SEZ Developers/ SEZ Units and taxpayers who have opted for composition scheme under the GST regime.
There are eight products to choose from. These are available as a cloud based version as well as a downloadable version that installs on desktop or laptop. This software allows a taxpayer to run his daily business by providing day to day billing and accounting features, alongwith facility for return filing for their GST related compliances.
Some of the free features being made available by all the vendors are Sale/ Purchase/ Cash ledger, Inventory management, Supplier/ Customer Masters, Generation of Invoices, Preparation of GST Returns etc.
The software would be available free of cost to eligible taxpayers till 31.03.2021 or till the taxpayer’s annual turnover remains under Rs 1.5 Cr in a financial year, after which the taxpayers may have to pay a fee to the vendor.
For using features other than free features listed or using the software beyond the initial free period, the taxpayer may visit respective vendor product site to ascertain fee payable, if any.
To download the accounting and billing software on the GST Portal, the taxpayer need to login to the GST Portal with valid credentials and navigate to Downloads > Accounting and Billing Software option.
The user manual and FAQs for the same and vendors providing software can be viewed at the following links:

It may be noted that all queries/ questions need to be taken up with the software vendors and NOT with GST Helpdesk.
Disclaimer: GSTN makes no representations or warranty whatsoever about the Account & Billing Software. When you access the software, please understand that it is independent from GSTN, and that GSTN has no control over that Software. GSTN does not endorse or accepts any responsibility the use/misuse by such Software. GSTN is not collecting taxpayers’ data through the Software in any manner. Please read the terms and conditions of the Software properly before proceeding forward.

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