The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has postponed the date and place for the November session of Chartered Accountants Foundation Course under New Scheme, Intermediate (IPC) under Old Scheme, Intermediate under New Scheme, and Final Examination under Old & New Scheme Examinations.
In continuation to the Announcement dated 15th July, 2020; as also Announcement dated 8th October 2020 made regarding Opt-Out window, another Announcement dated 8th October 2020 regarding SOP guidelines for examinees Centres and Centre Superintendent/ observers; it is hereby notified for general information that in view of prevailing circumstances; it has now been decided that the Chartered Accountant Examinations earlier scheduled from 1 st November 2020 to 18th November 2020: now to be held from 21st November 2020 to 14th December 2020 as per details given below.
For the Foundation Course under the New Scheme, the Board notified 8th, 10th, 12th & 14th December, 2020. For the Intermediate (IPC) under Old Scheme, the Board notified 22nd, 24th, 26th & 28th November, 2020 for Group I and 1st, 3rdth, & 5th December 2020 for Group II.
For the Intermediate (IPC) under New Scheme, the Board notified 22nd, 24th, 26th & 28th November 2020 for Group I and 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th December 2020 for Group II. For the Final Examination under Old Scheme, the Board notified 21st, 23rd, 25th & 27th November 2020 for Group I and 29th November, 2nd, 4th & 6th December 2020 for Group II. For the Final Examination under the New Scheme the Board notified 21st, 23rd, 25th & 27th November 2020 for Group I and 29th November, 2nd, 4th & 6th December 2020 for Group II.
It is also decided that the Intermediate (IPC) Examination under the old syllabus is extended to one more examination cycle i.e. student registered under the Intermediate (IPC) Old Syllabus can write their examinations up to May 2021 examination term.
As announced earlier, opt-Out “option to the students shall continue in operation during the conduct of entire November 2020 Examinations. The Candidates are further advised to note the above and stay in touch with the website.
It may be emphasized that there would be no change in the examination schedule in the event of any day of the examination schedule being declared a Public Holiday by the Central Government or any State Government / Local Holiday.